
Tidyods package hex sticker
tidyods is an R package to import cells from an OpenDocument Spreadsheet (ODS) file, and provide information about the cell’s postion, value types and formulas, and provide methods to “rectify” cells back to a traditional 2-dimensional data structure.
Screenshots of my portfolio homepage (this site) and of a post on my personal blog (lapsedgeographer-dot-london)
Developing and maintaining my personal websites using the Hugo static site generator.
A tweet by the narrowbotr
A bot that posts to Bluesky, Mastodon (and previously Twittter) showcasing locations on the Canal & River Trust (CRT) network in England & Wales using open data published by CRT and sourcing imagery via the MapBox and Flickr APIs. It is built using R and runs via GitHub Actions on a timed schedule.
Summary of Civil Service People Survey scores over time
The Civil Service People Survey is the annual employee attitudes survey of the UK Civil Service, and has a focus on measuring levels of employee engagement. I was responsible for the initial development of the survey's data collection and analysis methodology (2009-2010) and subsequently lead the delivery team (2011-2015). More recently, I have gone on to support the team with automation, data engineering and reproducibility (2019-2022).
Example of a webpage generated by govukhugo
A theme for the Hugo static site generator that ports the GOV.UK design system for data-heavy websites, such as officials statistics publications.
Example slide page from the deckhand template
Deckhand is an RMarkdown package designed when working for the Cabinet Office, that makes it easier for analysts to produce data-heavy presentation packs (aka "slide decks") within the R ecosystem.
The covers of the 2019 InCiSE results and technical reports
Combining a diverse range of public governance indicators from multiple sources to produce a dataset of comparable metrics and a composite index to benchmark the performance of the central/federal civil service of OECD and EU countries.
Cover page of the OPSI innovation skills report
Developing the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation's model of core skills for public sector innovation.