I’m a data science, analysis and visualisation specialist based in
London and Oxford. I’m currently working for the
Blavatnik School of Government where I’m the lead
analyst for the
Blavatnik Index of Public Administration.
I have a passion for data storytelling and making analytical
insights accessible to all, particularly for the public good. I’m also an
advocate for code-based, reproducible and open-source approaches to analysis.
I have subject matter expertise in the areas of public governance,
organisational effectiveness, workforce development and employee engagement.
For the past 15 years (December 2006 to July 2022) I have worked as a social
researcher, analyst and data scientist in the UK Civil Service, save for a year
(2016-2017) working for the OECD’s Observatory of Public Sector Innovation. I
hold a BSc in Geography from University College London (2002) and an MSc in
Social Research Methods and Statistics from City University, London (2010).
My primary research experience includes designing and running large scale
surveys, conducting in-depth interviews and focus groups, and research
commissioning. My statistical skills include regression modelling, factor
analysis, cluster analysis, multi-level modelling, machine learning and natural
language processing (NLP).
I am a skilled communicator of data and analysis to a wide range of audiences
both technical and non-technical, from the most senior officials and analysts
in the UK government to front-line managers; and, an accomplished workshop
designer and facilitator.
In my analytical and data science activities I usually work in R, alongside
HTML, CSS and JavaScript. However, I also have experience of working with a
range of technologies/software including: Python, SQL (MySQL and Postgres),
Stata, SPSS, QGIS, ArcGIS for data analysis projects, as well as experience of
working with the AWS, GCP and Microsoft Azure cloud environments.
Data Scientist
Lead analyst for the
Blavatnik Index of Public Administration, a
benchmarking project at the Blavatnik School of Government, University of
Oxford that provides comparative analysis of national level civil services and
public administrations in 120 countries.
Head of Analysis & Insight Data Innovation
Leading a small data innovation team within the wider Analysis & Insight
directorate, focussed on helping other teams make better use of their data
through the application of modern tools and techniques. Promoting a code first
approach to statistics and data analysis, implementing reproducible analytical
pipelines workflows, developing software packages (largely in R) that help
these goals.
Head of Strategic & International Analysis
Lead on analysis of organisational effectiveness of and strategic priorities
for the UK Civil Service’s senior leadership to help them think critically and
deliver the vision of the Cabinet Secretary of A Brilliant Civil Service. The
role also involved international comparative analysis of the UK’s Civil Service
with the civil service in other countries through the International Civil
Service Effectiveness (InCiSE) project, and working level lead for the UK’s
relationship with the OECD’s Public Governance Committee.
Policy analyst, Observatory of Public Sector Innovation
Policy analyst role in the OECD’s Observatory of Public Sector Innovation
(OPSI), lead for skills and capabilities for public sector innovation and
public employment issues. Lead on the development of new approaches to
facilitating OPSI meetings, providing more interactive sessions that enhance
information sharing and discussion between meeting participants. Supported
OPSI’s study of public sector innovation practice in the federal Public Service
of Canada, the first ever OECD country-study of public sector innovation.
Head of Employee Research
Responsibility for the delivery of the Civil Service People Survey, including
briefing the Head of Civil Service, Cabinet Secretary, Ministers and other
senior officials on survey results and analysis. Coordinating the
cross-government Employee Engagement Programme supporting departments and
agencies, including providing targeted advice and facilitation to senior
officials, to improve productivity and wellbeing. Delivering ad-hoc employee
research and analysis projects to support corporate management of the Civil
Service. Managing a multi-disciplinary team of four including research, HR, and
project management professionals.
Senior Research Officer
Developed methodological and analytical approach for the Civil Service People
Survey, including devising and agreeing the questionnaire, statistical and
analytical methods, and designing reporting products. Analysis of the People
Survey results for senior officials and cross-Civil Service stakeholders.
Ad-hoc social research support to HR and other Cabinet Office customers,
including devising an approach to monitor the socio-economic background of
senior officials which has gone on to inform monitoring practice throughout
Research Officer
Range of corporate research roles. Major projects: management of the bi-annual
HMRC staff survey 2006-2009; development of the 2007-2010 HMRC Customer Survey;
development of indicators for the Corporate Performance Report introduced in
2008; evidence reviews into tax compliance behaviour; and research into the
enablers and barriers to the use of evidence and analysis by senior decision
Researcher supporting projects for local authorities, including 15 months
secondment to the London Borough of Hackney. During my secondment I provided
support to the central policy & strategy team, key responsibilities included
collating a comprehensive evidence base on worklessness in the borough, and
an analysis of data concerning residential mobility of households within the
borough to assess validity of the 2001 census data and better inform service
delivery decisions.
MSc Social Research Methods & Statistics
Courses taken included research design, qualitative methods, survey methods,
statistical modelling, multivariate analysis, social policy evaluation. The
degree also included a research dissertation on the use of multinomial logistic
regression to measure the influence of work perceptions on levels of employee
BSc Geography
Courses taken included quantitative and qualitative research methods, regional
economic development, urban economics, the social geography of France, and the
post-colonial geography of Africa. The degree also included a research
dissertation on house prices and earnings in London between 1998 and 2003.