Get in touch

If you’re interested in my work with Blavatnik School of Government email me at matt.kerlogueSPAM [at] bsg&nbsp;<span class="emld">[dot]</span>&nbsp;ox&nbsp;<span class="emld">[dot]</span>&nbsp;ac&nbsp;<span class="emld">[dot]</span>&nbsp;uk, for other projects email me at mSPAM [at] kerlogue&nbsp;<span class="emld">[dot]</span>&nbsp;co&nbsp;<span class="emld">[dot]</span>&nbsp;uk.

I’m on Mastodon, where I’m I’m also on Bluesky, where I’m

You can view my open-source coding projects on Github.

I also blog very infrequently as The Lapsed Geographer.